- ###### [[1. Definition and Symptoms of POTS]] - [[1.1. Definition of POTS]] - [[1.2. Key symptoms and clinical presentation]] - ###### [[2. Diagnosis and Diagnostic Criteria]] - [[2.1. Diagnostic criteria for POTS]] - [[2.2. Challenges in diagnosis]] - [[2.3. Diagnostic approaches and biomarkers]] - ###### [[3. Etiology and Contributing Factors]] - [[3.1. Genetic factors and familial patterns]] - [[3.2. Viral Infections and Autoimmune mechanisms]] - [[3.3. Environmental factors and triggers]] - [[3.4. Comorbidities and associated conditions]] - ###### [[4. Pathophysiological Mechanisms]] - [[4.1. Dysautonomia - Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system]] - [[4.2. Cardiovascular and hemodynamic abnormalities]] - [[4.3. Neuroendocrine dysregulation]] - [[4.4. Immunological abnormalities]] - [[4.5. Small fiber neuropathy and nerve dysfunction]] - ###### [[5. Subtypes and Variants of POTS]] - [[5.1. Hyperadrenergic POTS]] - [[5.2. Hypovolemic POTS]] - [[5.3. Neuropathic POTS (associated with small fiber neuropathy)]] - [[5.4. Secondary POTS and underlying conditions]] - ###### [[6. Management and Treatment Strategies]] - [[6.1. Lifestyle modifications and non-pharmacological approaches]] - [[6.2. Pharmacological interventions]] - [[6.2.1. Drugs that increase blood volume]] - [[6.2.2. Drugs that lower heart rate]] - [[6.2.3. Vasoconstrictor drugs]] - [[6.2.4. Sympatholytic drugs]] - [[6.3. Psychological support and coping strategies]] - [[6.4. Emerging therapies and research directions]] - [[6.5. Challenges in POTS Management]] - ###### [[7. Prognosis and Future Outlook]] - [[7.1. Variability in disease course and progression]] - [[7.2. Impact on daily life and functioning]] - [[7.3. Strategies for managing fluctuations and relapses]] - ###### [[8. Resources, Support, and Specialist Centers]] - [[8.1. Specialist centers, clinics and medical professionals experienced in POTS diagnosis and treatment]] - [[8.2. Support organizations]] - [[8.3. Video Resources]] - [[8.4. Blogs, Forums and Chatrooms]] - [[8.6. New emerging treatments, products, etc.]] - [[8.5. Navigating Further, Additional Resources for Research]]